Give & believe

Support a worker in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, or Sri Lanka for € 15 per month. Worker couples receive € 30 per month.

The workers

Caring for people in need is a biblical mandate. No one is as effective at this as local missionaries. They know the language and the culture. They have relationships with people that foreign workers struggle to reach. They testify from their own experience that Jesus is not only the God of the West, but the God of all people.

What are the workers involved in?

  • Outreach and community development
    Like providing food, education, vocational training, widow care and medical aid
  • Evangelism
  • Church planting
  • Training

Your support is what makes a difference

Many workers face significant obstacles due to insufficient financial support. The small amount of money they receive through Impact South Asia makes a big difference. This monthly support gives some peace of mind.

This support motivates them to keep going and persevere. After all, God must be with you if someone on the other side of the world thinks you are worth investing in. Every worker testifies to this.

Showing support is also a sign of unity. Together we confess the name of Jesus. Every donation given in the name of Jesus is a proclamation in the spiritual realms that says, 'Jesus has overcome. Jesus lives!'. One in Christ, we are building God's kingdom.

Our network

All supported workers work within Youth with a Mission (YWAM), an international missionary organization. All workers are responsible for their own support. YWAM does not provide salaries.

Your donation will go to good use

All workers are accountable locally, which builds trust for good partnership. If a worker leaves YWAM, their support will also end. Your donation will be fully used because no costs will be deducted. The Impact South Asia team in Heerde is also part of YWAM.
